2:39:00 AM Add Comment

Na Hezron Munisi  
#WatuWaMungu Eeh !!!!!...... "Mzinga Wa Heshima" kwa Rapper Rick Ross kama hii itakuwa ni Taarifa ya ukweli kuhusu jambo hili la Neema kama ambavyo tumeliona.

Rapper Rick Ross ambaye pia ni "BIG BAWSE" wa MayBach Music Group (MMG)  huenda akawa anatarajia kupata mtoto wa nne kutoka kwa bibie ambaye ni mwanamitindo na mtaalamu wa mazoezi ya Viungo , BRIANA CAMILLE.

Kama utakuwa unakumbuka vizuri, Briana Camille ni mama wa Moto wa Tatu wa Rick Ross ambaye anaitwa BERKELEY ambaye hivi sasa ana umri wa Mwaka mmoja.

Kitu ambacho kilitufanya tuamini kuwa Rozay anatarajia kupata mtoto mwingine, ni baada ya Briana ambaye ni Mpenzi wa Rick Ross kupost Picha Instagram akiwa na mtoto wake Huyo wa Mwaka mmoja, huku Tumbo likiwa limeshiba haswa, na ujauzito kuonekana kuwa Mkubwa kabisa

Ingawa mpaka hivi sasa hawajaweka wazi kuhusu suala hilo, lakini siku zote pembe la Ng'ombe huwa liko nje nje, yaani halifichiki

Tayari Rick Ross ana watoto wengine wawwili Njee aliowapata katika mahusianop ya kipindi cha Nyuma, ambao ni TOIE ROBERTS na WILLIAM ROBERTS III


1:58:00 AM Add Comment

Na Rich Sam  
#WatuWaMungu hii inaweza kuwa ni SHABAAAAAAAASH kwa hiki ambacho kinaendelea hasa kwa upande wa Rapper Nguli na Mkongwe 50 Cents

Sasa, kama ulikuwa Hufahamu, 50 Cents amechukua uamuzi wa Kum-block Remy Ma (Ambaye Pia ni Rapper wa Kike) kwa madai kuwa anatakiwa kumrekebisha mumewe kuwa na nidhamu na hata kufahamu namna ya kujibu watu wakubwa kwake

Timbwili lilianzishwa na Post ya 50 Cents kunako account yake ya Instagram kwa kumpost Remy Ma na kusema kuwa Female Rapper huyo amekuwa mwembamba, kisha akasema "Hey Kimbao mbao", kitu ambacho hakikumuingia akilini hata kidogo Mume wa Remy Ma, PAPOOSE ambaye hakuona ugumu kutoa Dongo lake

Papoose alicomment hivi
 "Aisee, Daphne Joy (ambaye ni Mpenzi wa 50 Cents Muda mrefu sasa), hakuna harufu ya ndoa Bado?. Kama 50 Cents hatokuoa, nitakutambulisha kwa Mshkaji wangu. Ni Mtu Mzima na anaonekana kukua zaidi...!"

Kitendo hicho kilionekana kumkwaza sana 50 Cents na kudai kuwa ameamua kumblock Remy ma kwa sababu anatakiwa kumuelimisha mumewe

Remy ameblokiwa mpaka atakapofanya utaratibu wa kumuweka sawa Mumewe. Nilichokisema ni kwamba amepungua uzito, na Papoose akaanza kuzingua. Singombani na mtu hapa juu ya mke wake"


1:27:00 AM Add Comment

Days Of The Year   

Every year the world continues to get more and more crowded. While we’ve a tendency to pack ourselves into massive cities, and there are presently still long open stretches of countryside, every year that gets whittled away at more and more. The power and food needs of the world continue to place a greater and greater strain on our ability to meet them, and resources in general are becoming harder and harder to come by. World Population Day comes along each year to remind us that our present rate of population growth is unsustainable, and the present social and logistical issues we are experiencing to meet the demand of that population will only get worse if we don’t do something.
History of World Population Day
In 1987 there was an event called “Five Billion Day”, which recognized when the human population boiled over the 5 billion mark. Since then the United Nations Development Programme has been working to anticipate, support, and offset the needs of a rapidly growing population. The population had been deemed to be growing out of control, and an awareness was being spread about the need for family planning, ways to offset poverty, and the ability to ensure that proper maternal health was observed.

The existing strain of supporting our present population is already causing grievous crimes in the areas of human rights and gender equality. As more people come into an a world that’s already doing a poor job of taking care of its citizens, there are more and more of them coming vulnerable to human rights violations such as human trafficking and child labor. World Population Day reminds us that we are part of an ever growing world, and that to ensure there’s a great future ahead for any of us, there has to be a great future for all of us.

How to celebrate Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day
Not to start off too personal, but the first thing you can do is make sure that your own family planning schedule is properly taken care of. So many places in the world see an uncontrolled growth in population due to a lack of access of proper preventative measures and poor maternal health monitoring. If you’re lucky enough to not be in those areas, be sure you’re taking advantage of your privileges. While you’re at it, see what you can do to support those areas that don’t have access to these materials, and educate yourself on what we can do to help make the world a better place for all of us.